5 jul 2010

CSS display property

Definition and Usage

The display property specifies the type of box an element should generate.

Default value: inline
Inherited: no
Version: CSS1
JavaScript syntax: object.style.display="inline"

Browser Support

Internet Explorer Firefox Opera Google Chrome Safari

The display property is supported in all major browsers.

Note: No versions of Internet Explorer (including IE8) support the property values "inline-table", "run-in", "table", "table-caption", "table-cell", "table-column", "table-column-group", "table-row", or "table-row-group".

Property Values

Value Description
none The element will generate no box at all
block The element will generate a block box (a line break before and after the element)
inline The element will generate an inline box (no line break before or after the element). This is default
inline-block The element will generate a block box, laid out as an inline box
inline-table The element will generate an inline box (like <table>, with no line break before or after)
list-item The element will generate a block box, and an inline box for the list marker
run-in The element will generate a block or inline box, depending on context
table The element will behave like a table (like <table>, with a line break before and after)
table-caption The element will behave like a table caption (like <caption>)
table-cell The element will behave like a table cell
table-column The element will behave like a table column
table-column-group The element will behave like a table column group (like
table-footer-group The element will behave like a table footer row group
table-header-group The element will behave like a table header row group
table-row The element will behave like a table row
table-row-group The element will behave like a table row group
inherit Specifies that the value of the display property should be inherited from the parent element

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